The North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC) is an association of CW enthusiasts who enjoy the challenge and adventure of QRP operation (5 watts or less), most frequently with straight keys and semi-automatic “bug” keys. The main activities of the club are the monthly two-hour QSO parties on the 20, 40 and 80 meter bands, held midweek evenings, along with annual 160-meter and “milliwatt”(less than 1 watt) events. Monthly theme-based challenges are also offered, and some regional chapters of the club conduct periodic operations from field locations (called “parkpeditions”). Membership in NAQCC is free, and the club numbers more than 10,000 members.
Since its founding, NAQCC has relied on the use of the Genlog contest logger and its output format for scoring. The format is neither Cabrillo or ADIF. Recently, a User-Defined Contest template was written for the popular N1MM contest logger. N1MM supports the use of call-history files, which prefills the exchange information once a callsign is entered. NAQCC publishes a member list, so I’ve translated that into a N1MM-readable call-history file that can be downloaded here:
Right click on the link above and choose “Save link as” (or your browser’s equivalent) and save the file to your N1MM installation’s Call History File directory. (On MS-Windows, this is typically in your Documents folder.) The file will be updated each Monday with the latest version.