Boy Scout Radio merit badge updates

January 1st saw some updates to various Boy Scout requirements, including those for the Radio merit badge.

Most of the changes are clerical in nature, such as moving to its own item the requirement to explain how WWV can be used to determine propagation. For the Amateur Radio option, the requirement to have a 10-minute QSO was moved to the end of the item, to put it in more of a logical sequence and imply that the other requirements be done first, in order to give greater understanding to making the QSO. (The requirements can be done in any order, however, and Scouts who are licensed hams can submit evidence of QSOs already made.)

Perhaps the most significant update is the addition of a fourth option for the experiential requirement. Continue reading “Boy Scout Radio merit badge updates”

Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award

I was honored to receive the new Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award at the ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention in August 2015. The award, as the name implies, recognizes those who have given service to Scouting through amateur radio activities. Some examples of this service include helping Scouts experience ham radio through Jamboree On The Air or other special events such as Kids’ Day; staffing a K2BSA operation; counseling the Radio merit badge; providing amateur radio communication in support of a Scouting event; or help establish an amateur radio station at a council camp. Here, I’m pictured with ARRL Michigan Section Manager Larry Camp, WB8R, receiving the award at the Columbus convention.